Core course: Paleoclimate

When & where

October & November 2014


  • MPI-BGC: Max Planck Institute for Biogeochemistry, Hans-Knöll-Str. 10, 07745 Jena
  • IGW-PR1: Institute for Geosciences / Institut für Geowissenschaften, FSU Jena, Burgweg 11, room PR1
  • IG-R317: Institute for Geography, FSU Jena, Löbdergraben 32, 07743, room 317

>> locations for this course in Google maps

The module will provide the basic knowledge to understand how the earth system including continents, ocean currents, atmospheric circulations and life evolved and how the system is acting as a self controlled feedback system. It will demonstrate which climatic archives can be used to reconstruct palaeoclimatic information focusing on continental archives. It will provide basic knowledge to review existing datasets and interpretations. The module will consist of lectures to cover the background material and theory, lab exercises in modeling, and field techniques.



Day & SlotWhereContentWho
Wed, Oct 1 Microfossils 
09:00-16:00IGW, PR1Introduction to micropalaeontological analyses and reconstructions, sample preparation and microscopyPeter Frenzel, FSU Jena
Mon, Oct 6 Paleoclimatology & Sediments 
09:00-15:00IGW, PR1Overview on climate archives, maar volcanoes, description of lake sediments and smear slide analysisMichael Pirrung, FSU Jena
Thu, Oct 16 Pollen 
09:00-12:00IG, R315.1Theoretical introduction to the background of palynological work and vegetation reconstructionHeike Schneider, FSU Jena
13:00-16:00IG, R315.1Practical information on drilling, sample preparation and microscopy of pollen samplesHeike Schneider, FSU Jena
Wed, Oct. 22 Organic geochemistry of sediments, part I
09:00-12:00MPI-BGC, B0.002Introduction to Biomarkers and their Biosynthesis, Extraction and Identification methodsRoman Witt, MPI-BGC
13:00-16:00MPI-BGC, B1 (Lab)Practical insight of labprocedures e.g. ColumnchromatographyRoman Witt, MPI-BGC
Fri, Oct 24 Organic geochemistry of sediments, part II
09:00-12:00MPI-BGC, B0.002Interpretation and Measurement of Stable Isotope RatiosRoman Witt, MPI-BGC
13:00-16:00MPI-BGC, B1 (Lab)Labtour (GC-FID, GC-MS, GC-IRMS)Roman Witt, MPI-BGC
Mon, Oct 27 Paleoclimate through Earth History 
09:00-12:00IGW, PR1Methods and concepts of deep time paleoclimate research, climatic extremes in Earth History and possible controlling factors, examples of relatively rapid changes of climateReinhard Gaupp, FSU Jena
Mon, Nov 10 Physical and chemical properties of sediments 
09:00-12:00IG, R317Seismic, coring and sampling, dating systems, physical properties and geochemistry of sediments, part IThomas Kasper, FSU Jena
13:00-16:00IG, R317Seismic, coring and sampling, dating systems, physical properties and geochemistry of sediments, part IIThomas Kasper, FSU Jena


Paleoclimatology & Sediments
How to get the slides by Michael Pirrung

Organic geochemistry of sediments
Introduction by Roman Witt
Slides on Water Isotopes by Roman Witt
Carbon by Franziska Günther
Slides on Specific Biomarkers by Valerié Schwab-Lavrič
Slides on Reconstruction by Roman Witt



Click here to register before September 23, 2014. Due to space restrictions in the lab and the number of available microscopes, participation in lab sessions is restricted to 12. More people can join the lectures. If you intend to only participate in parts of the course, please write a comment in the registration form. Your registration is binding!



7 out of 8 participants filled in the survey by December 19, 2014. Thanks a lot for participating in this survey! Your feedback is valuable because it helps the instructors and organizers to improve the individual modules and the general structure of the course.
The survey results are available here. Statistics and statements should not be taken as an exhaustive or exclusive list.