IMPRS Career Talks 2023

  • Date: Aug 29, 2023

Place: B0.002 of the MPI-BGC
Date: August 29, 2023

1.  Scope

Our Career talks are a unique opportunity to bring together former and current PhD researchers of the IMPRS-gBGC. We will invite you to meet and develop lasting collaborations, an important aspect for a competitive research profile and helpful for a career outside academia.

Young researchers, especially those who are nearing the end of their PhD project, can be inspired by the diverse career paths of our alumni and learn from their experiences. This year, three alumni will join us at the MPI-BGC. Please participate actively and bring your questions.

2.  Preliminary agenda

14:00 - 14:30: opening speech by Steffi
14:30 - 15:00: 'A tale of two analytical companies - why I chose to work as an Applications Scientist in a small mass spec company, and why I'm now pursuing other options' by Ann-Sophie Lehnert
15:00 - 15:30: 'Science as a vocation - 106 years later' by Carsten Simon
15:30 - 16:00: 'Mother in science - in and out of industry' by Talie Sadat Musavi
16:00 - 17:00: informal exchange (with coffee, tea and cookies)
optional: joint dinner at Grünowski (self-paying)

3.  Registration

Interested PhD researchers are welcome to register here.

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